
Showing posts from 2015

Painting Lampshades

Good morning star-shine! As you may or may not know, and you probably do because my friends are aware of this and to my knowledge my friends are the only ones currently reading my blog, but I have been quite sick this past week. It's been one of those sicknesses that's been completely different every day so I'm never sure what to expect, yet all the same I've been sick enough to have to stay in bed all week. Until yesterday... Yesterday I found myself wide awake at 6am. I was trying to rest until 12, so you can imagine why this could be problematic. I did what I usually do when I can't get to sleep again, and went to Pinterest for a good hour or two. And when the sun began to rise off on the horizon somewhere- there was a thick layer of fog in the morning that turned into clouds for the rest of the day so I'm actually not even sure that the sun rose yesterday, but assuming it did- I had an epiphany. I decided that I wanted to completely redecorate my room. I

Glow in the Dark Art

Today, I am an artist. I have this glow in the dark fabric paint that I bought at Jo-Anns the other day because I needed it for a birthday present I was making my cousin. The gift turned out beautifully, and I realized I needed more glow in the dark pieces in my home. We bought these little paintings (there are two, I'm only showing one because I don't love the other as much as I should) at Goodwill in 2012, according to the tag. I'm hoping green tags were half off though. It's a possibility that these paintings were donated in 2012, and simply went unwanted for a couple years, and they jumped in our cart in 2014. Just a thought.  Why do I have such a strong dislike for these paintings? I don't know. But here comes the happy part of my story, I found a way to make me love them more. FLUORESCENCE. I bet you can't guess which Disney movie my 5 year old cousin is obsessed with by those paint colors.  That's right, I changed them completely. We

Fall Favorites [2015]

Why is Autumn so great? There are a lot of reasons to enjoy this new season that is finally settling in among us in the pacific north-west. When most people hear 'fall' they think of leaves changing colors, cold weather, and the flavor of pumpkin somehow finding it's way into the ingredient list of every comfort food known to man. For some people, fall is a more unsettling season, as it reminds them constantly of that one time they had a terrible fall down a flight of stairs, into a recycling truck, and back up the stairs in a stunning contrast to the laws of gravity. It's a bittersweet time. I think fall is over-hyped. Sure I enjoy everything that everyone else is getting excited over; bon fires, corn mazes, hot chocolate... But I think there are quite a few wonderful things about fall that don't get enough hype at all. So today I'll be sharing a list of a few things that you may not normally think of this time of year, but by the end of this post you will ha

Revamping The Blog!

I know what you're thinking. Who is this person? Ah, a question I ask myself in times of self doubt. Who am I? This just got real deep. I was hoping to write a light hearted blog post, but since it has come to this... I am not perfect. There we go. I am a human, who likes to think she is a comedian. And every comedian needs an online audience. So here I am. And that's who I am. I am here. *everyone with a sense of the grammatically right and wrong, cringing in the distance* Anyway... Here's my mission statement: This is a place for friends, and fan people. The things that will be blogged about here will most likely revolve around the following subjects: Books, movies, tv, music, cookies, current events, my hobbies, and my life (but only the interesting parts, do not you worry.) So if this is of ANY interest to you, stick around. It's gonna be fun. If a blog format isn't really your style, follow me on the social medias. Links can be found to the right, a

Wind Hating Citizens Plan to relocate to the Moon

This is a reliable article. There are anti-windists who are at this very moment making plans to relocate to the moon so that they can escape the forces of the wind. This must be stopped. Wind must be appreciated, not fled from.  #WindSociety